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A member registered Feb 08, 2017

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I found a (very minor) bug in that whenever you boot up it seems it believes all the outfits are new again, so itll show every character as having a new outfit (or maybe it's just it flags every character instead of the actually ones when you comoplete a chapter?) nothing serious or anything, just something i noticed.

that would be wonderful! i just finished reading the new chapter 2 (i apparently left off at the last duchy scene). it was wonderful, and i love the author notes... lots of nice info there.

Amazing and wonderful! i teared up when Bell showed up on screen and i got to here her wonderful theme!~ I'd love if possible when the next chapter comes out there could be a lil slider or something for teh transparency of the character symbol in the text box, it's a wonderful addition but a bit hard for me to quite tell who's talking at times...

I beat the maze!~ freya spooked me eheh~